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SKIN ZONE: Nose, Upper Cheek, Forehead, Chin

ORGAN: Esophagus, Small/Large Intestines, Rectum

Skin conditions that appear in these zones are caused by imbalances due to toxins from an overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract. This is often caused by hormones, sugar, and mucus-producing foods; dairy, fried foods, and citric acid.


SKIN ZONE: Jawline, Neck, Chest, Back

ORGAN: Liver

Skin conditions that appear in these zones are caused by estrogen-like environmental toxins. Food preservatives are purged in Liver Zone 1 (jawline). Pesticides purge in Liver Zone 2 (neck). Chlorine purges in Liver Zone 3 (chest and back).


SKIN ZONE: Nose, Cheek, Forehead, Chin

ORGAN: Esophagus, Intestines, Chest, Rectum

This condition is caused by purging mucus from our organs.



ORGAN: Adrenals, Kidneys

Upper eyelids represent the adrenals; irritation in this area can be related to stress. The skin just below the eyes reflects the kidneys. Puffiness is caused by many pain medications and/or alcohol. Dark circles are from poor sleep or heavy metals with both weakening kidney health.





SKIN ZONE: Nose, Upper and Lower Cheek, Chin

ORGAN: Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Rectum

Inflammation in the digestive tract is the cause of rosacea. The esophagus zone suffers from acid reflux including capillaries on the side of the nose. The stomach zone reacts to H.Pylori and gastritis. The intestine zones become red from candida, gluten, food allergies, IBS, and more.



ORGAN: Vital Organs, Tissues and Cells

Aging is affected by every organ’s lost vitality. Every facial zone is affected by hormone changes, environmental toxicity, and the skin’s immune strength. Skin changes include oxidation (free-radical damage), texture and pore changes, facial lines, and laxity.


SKIN ZONE: Face and Body

ORGAN: Liver

Discoloration on the face and body is caused by sun damage or liver damage. Healing age spots so that they do not return requires repair of oxidation and DNA damage in a way only Osmosis patented protocols can do.





• These occur anywhere on the body where excessive and repeated sun exposure has occurred.

• They are the result of chronic wounds along the dermal-epidermal junction.


• Found on the face and hands primarily.

• This is the result of liver damage from repeated exposure to toxins such as equilin sulfate (upper face), food preservatives (jawline) and acetaminophen (hands).


• Also from liver damage but the main causes are birth control hormones, anxiety and antidepressant medications. The type of toxin determines the location of damage on the liver and therefore on the face itself.

• Underneath melasma is inflammation in your dermis reflecting a region of the liver. The skin is triggered by UV exposure to protect the dermal wound.

• The liver can become compromised by unhealthy foods, metals, or toxic lifestyles including recreational drugs and alcohol but none of those appear to cause enough harm on their own to generate melasma.


• Caused by high levels of hormones being produced stress the liver.

• The “pregnancy mask” is more likely to be seen in 30+ year old moms because of a chance their liver is more compromised.



Forehead & Side of Face


Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.




Irritation: caused by stress and adrenal fatigue

• Rosacea & Capillaries: caused by candida, IBS or other bowel conditions



Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.

• Rosacea & Capillaries: caused from IBS or SIBO

Around Mouth


• Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

• Constipation Acne: caused from the re-absorption of fecal toxins

• Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

• Perioral Dermatitis: caused by irritation from constipation or colitis

Below Jawbone & Neck


• Pesticide Acne: caused from pesticides such as Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, and Metolachor, often found in farming areas and non-organic foods

• Plasticide Acne: caused from plasticides such as BPA

• Folliculitis Barbae: caused from pesticides being detoxed out of the follicles in the neck



Under Eyes


• Puffiness: kidney inflammation often caused by alcohol or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen

• Dark Circles: The kidneys are a common detox organ for heavy metals. Many people have excess exposure and their kidneys become strained as a result. Also can be caused by kidney fatigue from lack of sleep



• Candida Acne: caused by toxins from overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract - often from hormones, sugar and mucus-producing foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

• Blackheads: caused by mucus from foods such as dairy, fried foods, citric acid (like OJ) and tart candies, etc

• Enlarged Pores: a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.

• Rosacea & Capillaries: often caused by acid reflux (side of nostrils) and inflammation of the esophagus from hard alcohol, smoking or post-nasal drip (tip of nose)

Under Nose


• Rosacea & Capillaries: caused from H. Pylori or gastritis



• Hormonal Acne: caused by estrogenic food preservatives often found in fast food and long shelf life foods



• Chlorine Acne/Rash: caused from highly chlorinated (Chlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite, Chloramine) drinking, bathing or swimming water

• Blackheads: caused by a mucus detox of the lungs




Candida Acne:

Candida acne is the result of candida overgrowth in the gut that results from antibiotics as medication or in foods, hormones from medication or in foods, excess sugar in the diet and/or mucus producing foods like fried food, dairy and citric acid. The candida releases toxins that are absorbed by a region of the gut and purged from the mirroring region on the face. The more candida there is, the more cystic the response. The reason mucus-producing foods increase candida is because mucus provides a cozy haven for the overgrowth of candida.

Hormonal Acne:

Hormonal acne is the result of xenoestrogens being purged through the skin in regions after being processed by the liver. The most common estrogen toxins associated with the menstrual cycle are food preservatives so we have separated them out from the plasticides, pesticides and chlorine on the map. When the body is exposed to them, it reduces the activity/presence of natural Estrogen production thus resulting in a Testosterone dominance pattern. The reason teenage boys often have an increase of jawline acne is because there Testosterone levels are surging and the body is trying to remain balanced. By purging estrogenic toxins the body can raise its natural estrogen levels and restore balance. The reason women get jawline acne right before the start of their menstrual cycle is because their body has a surge of Testosterone and this triggers a similar attempt to balance the body by purging estrogen toxins.

• Pesticide Acne:

Pesticide acne is the result of the body being overexposed to pesticides from food, water or air exposure. This is particularly problematic in farming/rural communities. Many of these are also xenoestrogens and may cycle based on menstrual patterns or Testosterone levels as described with Hormonal Acne. This and plasticides are the cause of “ingrown hairs” on the neck which are actually toxin purge reactions wherein the swelling traps the hair, not the other way around.

• Plasticide Acne:

Plasticide acne is the result of the body being overexposed to plasticides (primarily BPA) in their environment. The neck purges these toxins once they reach critical levels and begin affecting the EstrogenTestosterone balance. In men this looks like “ingrown hairs”, in women this is neck acne.

• Chlorine Acne:

Chlorine acne is the result of excess exposure to chlorine either by ingestion of public water or swimming in chlorinated water. Chlorine is also an estrogen toxin so it is processed by the liver and purged out of the chest or back depending on the type of chlorine exposure. This is seen in swimmers quite often as the skin absorbs the chlorine from the pool and then purges it through the skin when the Estrogen-Testosterone imbalance is intensified.

• Constipation Acne:

Constipation acne is the result of toxins from the incomplete evacuation of fecal matter being reabsorbed by the rectum and purged out of the skin around the mouth.

• Blackheads:

Blackheads are the result of mucus being processed and purged out of the pores which is why is comes out in the digestive zones. Mucus can be from allergies/post-nasal drip, or inflammatory foods like fired food, dairy or citric acid containing candies/juices.

• Enlarged pores:

Enlarged pores come from a combination of the collapse of the epidermis in sebaceous skin types and the mirroring of pores/gaps in the digestive lining. The most common cause of pores is emulsifiers like the ones found in yogurt and ice cream and glyphosate.







• Acne/Rash: the result of mercury toxicity often caused by eating lots of fish.

Back of Arms

• Keratosis Pilaris/Acne: KP is the result of a different strain of candida that overgrows in the intestines. This can be related to all the causes found in Candida Acne.

Upper Back

• Chlorine Acne/Rash: caused by chlorine dioxide in various water sources • Blackheads: caused by a mucus detox of the lungs

Lower Back

• Mold Acne/Pustules: caused by toxins often from water damages homes or moldy air conditioners. The pustules are often found on the limbs as well.

• Lyme Disease: Lyme disease presents in many different ways but if someone has cysts and/or horizontal stretch marks in the low back region then they should be evaluated.

Buttocks & Peri-Genital Region  

• Buttock Acne: is a bacterial infection of the rectum.

• Peri-Genital Rash: redness and/or flaking in the inner thigh or along the buttocks is caused by parasites.





• Skin Clarifier Supplement

Buttocks Acne

• Immune Defense Elixir

• Skin Clarifier Supplement

Candida Acne

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Digestive Support Supplement

• Rescue

• Clarify

Constipation Acne

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Digestive Support Supplement

• Rescue

• Clarify

Dark Circles & Puffiness

• Hormone Relief Elixir

• Relax and Unwind Elixir

• Ageless Vitality Elixir

• Skin Defense Supplement (if sleep is okay)

• Refresh Revitializing Eye Cream

Enlarged Pores

• Rescue

• Correct

• Catalyst AC-11

Eyelid Irritation

• Relax and Unwind Elixir

• Emotional Well-being Elixir

• Remedy Mask

• Advised to slow down skincare protocols until stress subsides

Food Preservative Acne

• Skin Defense Supplement

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Rescue

• Clarify

Folliculitis Barbae

• Skin Defense Supplement



Hyperpigmentation & Melasma

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Immune Activator

• StemFactor

• Catalyst AC-11

• Rescue

Keratosis Pilaris

• Skin Clarifier Supplement

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Rescue

• Clarify

Lyme Disease

• Immune Defense Elixir

• Ageless Vitality Elixir

Mold Acne

• Immune Defense Elixir

• Ageless Vitality Elixir

• Immune Activator

Peri-Genital Rash

• Immune Defense Elixir

• Parasite Cleanse suggested

Perioral Dermatitis

• Digestive Support Supplement

• Skin Clarifier Supplement

• Skin Defense Supplement

• Ageless Vitality Elixir

• Rescue

Pesticide Acne

• Skin Defense Supplement

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Rescue

• Clarify

Plasticide Acne

• Skin Defense Supplement

• Skin Perfection Elixir

• Rescue

• Clarify

Rosacea & Capillaries

• Rescue

• Catalyst AC-11

• Ageless Vitality Elixir



The Solutions: Osmosis Protocols to Treat the Source​

Please contact me for more information or if you ready to order products. I will order and you won't have to pay for shipping.

Contact information

call or text


I am working out of my home spa in Westmont.

Buttonwood Dr, Westmont, IL 60559

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